Valuable Lessons I Learned From Little House on the Prairie

We’re traveling back to the prairie as the charming and cherished series turns 50. I grew up on Little House on the Prairie with my


Industry Season 3 Episode 4 Review: White Mischief

Critic’s Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 4.7 Like Rishi Ramdani himself, Industry Season 3 Episode 4 was undeniably a high risk, but it resulted in one


The Best, Worst, Cringiest, and Campiest of Elsbeth Tascioni

She may be a hot-shot lawyer turned investigator, but even Elsbeth Tascioni is prone to an off day or two. The NYC transplant has proven


Working Class Heroes: Why Don’t We See Poor People on TV Anymore?

Jerry Seinfeld (the sitcom character, not the real-life dude) was a successful, semi-famous comedian who lived in Manhattan apartment that probably measured about 800 square


Why Are Movies Kissing Romance Goodbye?

Have we become allergic to or intolerant of romance outside of its own genre? Why are movies kissing romance goodbye? I assumed that, in a


After Face to Face with Scott Peterson, the Convicted Killer Doesn’t Stand a Chance in the Public Eye

It’s been 22 years since all eyes of the nation were trained on Modesto, California, in the wake of Laci Peterson’s disappearance. Lifetime and true


SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 3 Review: Ships in the Night

Critic’s Rating: 3 / 5.0 3 Were we ready for a filler episode so soon into the third season? SEAL Team Season 7 Episode 3


These Shows Are Excellent — As Long As You Don’t Finish Them

It’s rare for a series to start brilliantly, continue on that trajectory, and then stick the landing. It’s why you typically hear those same TV


Fun to Watch But I Wouldn’t Want to Know Them

Like water and oil, it’s a rare character that is fun to watch, though we avoid their personality types, like a port-a-potty on a grueling


The Terror: Devil in Silver: Cast, Where to Watch and Everything Else We Know

Originally, The Terror was a 2007 historical fiction horror novel from the mind of Dan Simmons, a prolific author with a fascinating and diverse history