Rituals today | Eurozine

What is the place and power of rituals today? On its 30th anniversary, Culture & Démocratie devotes a second issue to rituals and their benefits


‘I feel freedom when I am in my school’

In May 2022, Iryna Khamayko started an educational center for Ukrainian teenagers seeking refuge in Austria after Russia’s full-scale invasion. The idea was clear: to


Grand Paris eviction | Eurozine

One morning in April 2016, 27 private security agents arrived on the grounds of a rundown warehouse in Vitry-sur-Seine, a Parisian suburb, to evict the


Something happens, somewhere | Eurozine

A non-event, a continuity: growing rapeseed in Ukraine. For the most part, it’s an unsensational succession of seasonal repetitions: hybridized seeds are sown late summer


Exiled voices: identity & literature

Displacement is a bitter muse, but a very powerful one. The experience of exile has played a huge role for thousands of years in literary


Digital loneliness | Eurozine

In the June issue of Turkish literary journal Varlık – titled ‘Loneliness in the age of information’ – contributors attempt an accounting of what we’ve


‘Free Palestine’: The cry of Tunisia’s next hirak?

With a death toll long surpassing 30,000, the displacement of 1.4 million people, and a famine induced on a population already bearing the brunt of


De l’universalisme dans de sombres temps

Le 20 mars 2024, le prix du livre de Leipzig 2024 pour la compréhension européenne a été décerné au philosophe Omri Boehm de la New School


False prophets, false promises | Eurozine

‘And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the


Occupation changes life forever | Eurozine

Occupation is like a flood. The water doesn’t reach every house at the same time. First it covers the roads until it meets an obstacle