How Did A Roman Sarcophagus End Up On A Beach Near Varna In Bulgaria?

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Bulgaria’s rich history spans approximately 6,000 years, during which numerous influential civilizations and empires have left their mark on the


North America’s New Snake Species Deepen Our Understanding Of Reptile Social Behavior And Development

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – AncientPages.com – A new species of fossil snake unearthed in Wyoming is rewriting our understanding of snake evolution. The fossilized skeleton


12,000-Year-Old Burial Of Female Shaman Unearthed In Turkey

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The Neolithic site of Çemka Höyük, situated in the Upper Tigris Basin in Turkey, has yielded a significant archaeological discovery. Excavating


Peculiar Ancient Ruins That Can Re-Write History Of Florida Found By Archaeologists

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com –  While excavating in Florida, archaeologists uncovered intriguing ancient ruins that appear to be part of a larger, previously unknown structure.


Unusual Secret Found In Tycho Brahe’s Alchemy Laboratory

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – In the Middle Ages, alchemists, including the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, were known for their secrecy regarding their work. Brahe’s


47,000 Years Of Aboriginal Heritage Was Destroyed In Mining Blast – Results From Juukan Gorge Show

AncientPages.com – In May 2020, as part of a legally permitted expansion of an iron ore mine, Rio Tinto destroyed an ancient rockshelter at Juukan Gorge in


Unusual Discovery Of A Bronze Age Axe In Norway – Is An Unknown 3,000-Year-Old Shipwreck Nearby?

Jan Bartek AncientPages.com – Norwegian museum researchers recently discovered a unique prehistoric artifact, potentially representing an archaeological breakthrough. Archaeologist Jørgen Johannessen unearthed a Bronze Age


How Can Busy People Also Keep Fit And Healthy? What The Ancient Greeks And Romans Did?

AncientPages.com – Many people today worry about how to find time to keep fit and healthy in the midst of their busy lives. Believe it


Celtiberians: Intriguing Martial Culture And Their Skilled Warrior Infantry

A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Celtiberians -tribes of mixed Iberian and Celtic origin – inhabited an area in the central-northeastern Iberian Peninsula during the final


4,000-Year-Old Temple With Mysterious Large Monolith Discovered In Cyprus

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Archaeologists recently unearthed a significant find in Cyprus: a 4,000-year-old temple in Erimi. This discovery is potentially the oldest known