Worried About Your Kid’s Screen Time? Limit Your Own

It’s very common for parents like myself to feel guilty about their own screen use, says Jenny Radesky, a developmental behavioral pediatrician and media researcher


How to Build Mutually Respectful Relationships With Students From Day 1

“Nathan, I really want you to do well today. How can I help you with that?” instead of, “Nathan, you have an F in my


Want to Incorporate More Play in Learning? Try the Play Workshop Structure

For example, if a teacher is focused on guiding students through creating a story using a sequence of events, they may offer students the option


Changing Teaching Habits is Hard. Here’s How You Can Start.

Step 2: After reflecting on the task at hand in your own voice, imagine yourself on the other side of the moment, paying close attention


How Do You Counter Misinformation? Critical Thinking Is Step One

In a new study, “Toward an Understanding of the Economics of Misinformation: Evidence from a Demand Side Field Experiment on Critical Thinking,” economists John A.


6 Ways Educators Can Bolster Boys’ Social Skills

Ioakim Boutakidis, professor of child and adolescent studies at California State University, Fullerton, notes that the self-regulatory components of the brain aren’t integrated as quickly


Indiana Lawmakers Ban Cellphones in Class. Now It’s Up to Schools to Figure Out How

“The cellphones have to be removed from their persons, and they have to be stored somewhere away from that individual,” he said. “That’s going to


How COVID-19 Narrowed the STEM Pipeline

We don’t have data for other private schools because they have refused to participate in NAEP testing, but the eighth grade math declines among both


How a Second-Grade Teacher is Using the Solar Eclipse to Inspire Her Students

It’s an experience she expects them to remember for the rest of their lives. “This is a story you’re gonna be able to tell,” she


What Do Truly Accessible and Inclusive Playgrounds Look Like?

To make playgrounds accessible and inclusive for children and adults with visual impairments, Unlimited Play has used high contrasting colors in their designs. Mackay also