Posted by Kanyinsola Fapohunda – Software Engineer, and Geoffrey Boullanger – Technical Lead

Accurate time is crucial for a wide variety of app functionalities, from scheduling and event management to transaction logging and security protocols. However, a user can change the device’s time, so a more accurate source of time than the device’s local system time may be required. That’s why we’re introducing the TrustedTime API that leverages Google’s infrastructure to deliver a trustworthy timestamp, independent of the device’s potentially manipulated local time settings.

How does TrustedTime work?

The new API leverages Google’s secure infrastructure to provide a trusted time source to your app. TrustedTime periodically syncs its clock to Google’s servers, which have access to a highly accurate time source, so that you do not need to make a server request every time you want to know the current network time. Additionally, we’ve integrated a unique model that calculates the device’s clock drift. This will inform you when the time may be inaccurate between network synchronizations.

Why is an accurate source of time important?

Many apps rely on the device’s clock for various features. However, users can change their device’s time settings, either intentionally or unintentionally, therefore changing the time that your app gets. This can lead to problems such as:

    • Data Inconsistency: Apps relying on chronological event ordering are vulnerable to data corruption if users manipulate device time. TrustedTime mitigates this risk by providing a trustworthy time source.
    • Security Gaps: Time-based security measures, like one-time passwords or timed access controls require an unaltered time source to be effective.
    • Unreliable Scheduling: Apps that depend on accurate scheduling, like calendar or reminder apps, can malfunction if the device clock (i.e. Unix timestamp) is incorrect.
    • Inaccurate Time: The device’s internal clock can drift due to various factors, such as temperature, doze mode, battery level, etc. This can lead to problems in applications that require more precision. The TrustedTime API also provides the estimated error with the timestamps, so that you can ensure your app’s time-sensitive operations are performed correctly.
    • Lack of Consistency Between Devices: Inconsistent time across devices can cause problems in multi-device scenarios, such as gaming or collaborative applications. The TrustedTime API helps ensure that all devices have a consistent view of time, improving the user experience.
    • Unnecessary Power and Data Consumption: TrustedTime is designed to be more efficient than calling an NTP server every time an app needs the current time. It avoids the overhead of repeated network requests by periodically syncing its clock with time servers. This synced time is then used as a reference point, and the TrustedTime API calculates the current time based on the device’s internal clock. This approach reduces network usage and improves performance for apps that need frequent time checks.

TrustedTime Use Cases

The TrustedTime API opens up a range of possibilities for enhancing the reliability and security of your apps, with use cases in areas such as:

    • Financial Applications: Ensure the accuracy of transaction timestamps even when the device is offline, preventing fraud and disputes.
    • Gaming: Implement fair play by preventing users from manipulating the game clock to gain an unfair advantage.
    • Limited-Time Offers: Guarantee that promotions and offers expire at the correct time, regardless of the user’s device settings.
    • E-commerce: Accurately track order processing and delivery times.
    • Content Licensing: Enforce time-based restrictions on digital content, like rentals or subscriptions.
    • IoT Devices: Synchronize clocks across multiple devices for consistent data logging and control.
    • Productivity apps: Accurately record the time of any changes made to cloud documents while offline.

Getting started with the TrustedTime API

The TrustedTime API is built on top of Google Play services, making integration seamless for most Android developers.

The simplest way to integrate is to initialize the TrustedTimeClient early in your app lifecycle, such as in the onCreate() method of your Application class. The following example uses dependency injection with Hilt to make the time client available to components throughout the app.

[Optional] Setup dependency injection

// TrustedTimeClientAccessor.kt

interface TrustedTimeClientAccessor {
  fun createClient(): Task

// TrustedTimeModule.kt
class TrustedTimeModule {
  fun provideTrustedTimeClientAccessor(
    @ApplicationContext context: Context
  ): TrustedTimeClientAccessor {
    return object : TrustedTimeClientAccessor {
      override fun createClient(): Task {
        return TrustedTime.createClient(context)

Initialize early in your app’s lifecycle

// TrustedTimeDemoApplication.kt
class TrustedTimeDemoApplication : Application() {

  lateinit var trustedTimeClientAccessor: TrustedTimeClientAccessor

  var trustedTimeClient: TrustedTimeClient? = null
    private set

  override fun onCreate() {
    trustedTimeClientAccessor.createClient().addOnCompleteListener { task ->
      if (task.isSuccessful) {
        // Stash the client
        trustedTimeClient = task.result
      } else {
        // Handle error, maybe retry later
        val exception = task.exception
    // To use Kotlin Coroutine, you can use the await() method, 
    // see for more info.

NOTE: If you don't use dependency injection in your app. You can simply call
`TrustedTime.createClient(context)` instead of using a TrustedTimeClientAccessor.

Use TrustedTimeClient anywhere in your app

// Retrieve the TrustedTimeClient from your application class
  val myApp = applicationContext as TrustedTimeDemoApplication

  // In this example, System.currentTimeMillis() is used as a fallback if the
  // client is null (i.e. client creation task failed) or when there is no time
  // signal available. You may not want to do this if using the system clock is
  // not suitable for your use case.
  val currentTimeMillis =
        ?: System.currentTimeMillis()
  // trustedTimeClient.computeCurrentInstant() can be used if Instant is
  // preferred to long for Unix epoch times and you are able to use the APIs.

Use in short-lived components like Activity

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
  lateinit var trustedTimeAccessor: TrustedTimeAccessor

   private var trustedTimeClient: TrustedTimeClient? = null

  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    trustedTimeAccessor.createClient().addOnCompleteListener { task ->
      if (task.isSuccessful) {
          // Stash the client
          trustedTimeClient = task.result
        } else {
         // Handle error, maybe retry later or use another time source.
          val exception = task.exception

  private fun getCurrentTimeInMillis() : Long? {
    return trustedTimeClient?.computeCurrentUnixEpochMillis()

TrustedTime API availability and limitations

The TrustedTime API is available on all devices running Google Play services on Android 5 (Lollipop) and above. You need to add the dependency (or above) to access the new API. No additional permission is required to use this API. However, TrustedTime needs an internet connection after the device starts up to provide timestamps. If the device hasn’t connected to the internet since booting, the TrustedTime APIs won’t return timestamps.

It’s important to note that the device’s internal clock can drift due to factors like temperature, doze mode, and battery level. TrustedTime doesn’t prevent this drift, but its APIs provide an error estimate for each timestamp. Use this estimate to determine if the timestamp’s accuracy meets your application’s requirements. While TrustedTime makes it more difficult for users to manipulate the time accessed by your app, it does not guarantee complete safety. Advanced techniques can still be used to tamper with the device’s time.

Next steps

To learn more about the TrustedTime API, check out the following resources:

Source link


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