Revising the travel advisory for Pakistan, USA advised its citizens to reconsider travelling to the country. Citing violent extremism in Pakistan, US warned citizen travelling due to terrorism and the potential for armed conflict. US mentioned ‘immediate vicinity’ to Balochistan, KPK provinces, PoK and former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Pressing on restricting travel to PoK and LoC, US said militant groups are known to operate in the area. Advisory added, that India and Pakistan maintained strong military presence on both sides of the border. As per advisory, large-scale terrorist attacks have resulted in numerous casualties, and small-scale attacks are frequent. Terrorism and ongoing violence by extremists have led to indiscriminate attacks on civilians, as well as local military and police. Advisory also said that the terrorist can also attack public places like malls, transportation hubs, markets, etc, without warning. US also fear of abduction and killing of its citizens citing recent targets on U.S. diplomats and diplomatic facilities in past. Meanwhile, US government personnel on assignment in Pakistan are prohibited from attending most large gatherings.

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